Tips and tricks for working from home

Guest post by Downtown Gravitate member, Megan Tommeraasen. Below is a photo of her and her corgi, Tilly!


“In July 2018 I took a position as a remote employee and have 'worked from home' for a little over 18 months. While most of my work has been spent at Gravitate Coworking — I still have a few tips and tricks I thought I'd share about working from home for an extended amount of time.

1. Change your clothes and get ready for the day — this includes doing hair and makeup if that’s your thing. No pjs allowed! It makes a difference to put on real pants and lipstick! I put on real shoes (not slippers) as my final step to ‘start the workday’.

2. Pomodoro technique: use timers to stay productive. 25 min on, 5 min break, repeat 4 or 5 times. During the 5 min break, you can refill your coffee, scroll through Instagram, text your mom, pet the dog-fun things. Really use the timers to hold yourself accountable. Take a longer break (20-25 min) after you’ve gone through at least 4 cycles.

3. Use those breaks effectively and allow yourself to take them. Need a 5 min walk? DO IT! Want to quick switch the laundry? Do it! I have surprised myself many times by completely unloading the dishwasher before my five min break is over.

4. Choose your work beverages, the ideal number is three. Your water beverage, your caffeine, and your fun drink! Fun can be anything unexpected — maybe a la croix, or a Gatorade, or a hot chocolate — a little something out of the ordinary that will keep you & your taste buds entertained. This will also help you avoid snacks!

5. Pick your seat! DON'T work on the couch or in bed. Set up an actual work station and commit to it. Ideally, this will not face the tv or any other distractions.

6. Actually phone a friend — pick up the phone and call a coworker. I have jokingly called these ‘wellness checks’ in my company. It is so easy to want to replace every interaction with an IM or email, but intonation and connection can be lost. Plus it’s just good to connect with people! Hearing your work bff’s voice may be just the thing you need to get through your day."


These are weird times, but we are grateful for the opportunity to stay safe at home and continue working. Thank you Megan for your many tips, we’ll be trying them!


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COVID-19 Update 03/15/2020